
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Zivilrecht - Private Law
Civil law =  Kontinentales Recht
Objektives Recht - Executory Right
Subjektives Recht - Vested Right; Perfect Right; Perfected Right
Case law = Rechtsprechung
Richterrecht = Judge made law

Wohlgesinnter und gebildeter Mensch; vernunftiger Mensch = Reasonably prudent person 

Materielles Recht - Substantive Law
Verfahrensrecht - Procedural Law
Formelles Recht - Formal Law
Substantives Recht - Substantive Law

Primäransprüche - Primary rights
Seckundaransprüche - Secondary Rights

Sachverhalt - Facts

Fallfrage - Issue; question presented

Anspruchsgründlage - Basis of claim

Vertragliche Ansprüche -  Contractual rights (and remedies)
Vertragsähnliche Ansprüche - Quasi-contractual rights (and remedies)
Dingliche Ansprüche - Property rights / property claims
Deliktische Ansprüche - Tort claims
Bereicherungsrechtliche Ansprüche - Claims to compensation for unjust enrichment; quantum meruit

Tatbestand - Relevant facts


Subsumtion - Application of the facts (in the case) to the rule (the law)

Fragesatz - Question Presented ; Legal Issue
Voraussetzungssatz - Precondition
Definitionssatz - Rule (of law)
Subsumtionssatz - Application (of relevant facts in the case to the law)
Folgesatz - Conclusion

"What rights if any has A against B" = Welche Ansprüche hat A gegen B? = Wie ist die Rechtslage?

Rechtsstaat - Rule of law state

Rechtsfähigkeit - Legal Capacity / Legal personality
Geschäftsfähigkeit - Capacity to contract
Rechtsgeschäft - Legal transaction

Einseitiges Unilateral
Bilateral Gegenseitig

Legal personality - Rechtsfähigkeit
Natural Person = Natürliche Person = Physical person
Juristische Person = Artificial person

Unincorporated Associations: Their members may have joint and several liability, be co-tenants/co-owners.
GbR, OHG, KG are have partial legal capacity = Teilrechtsfähigkeit

Sorgfaltspflicht = Duty of Care

Rechtshindernde Einwendungen =
Legal grounds which prevent the vesting of a legal right.
= void ab initio

Rechtsvernichtende Einwendungen  =
Legal grounds on the basis of which a legal right is exstinguished
= voidable.

Einrede = Objection;  Defence.

Entstehung eines Anspruchs = Vesting of a legal right; Recognition of a Legal Right
Erloschen eine Anspruchs = The elimination of an executory right

Durchsetzung eines Anspruchs = Enforcement of a right

Willenserklärung = Expression of intent
Nicht empfangsbedürftigte Willenserklärung = Transaction which may be done unilaterally
Empfangsbedürftigte Willenserklärung = Transaction which requires receipt by another party

Objektiver Tatbestand = Objective expression of will
Subjektiver Tatbestand = Subjective intention

Handlungswille = In posession of mental faculties
Erklärungsbewusstsein = Awareness of legal intention and consequences
Geschäftswille = Specific legal intention to transact

konkludent = implied (in fact, in law)

pflichtgemäßer Sorgfalt = Duty of care

innere Tatbestand = Subjective intent

Zurechnung = Imputation

Scheingeschäft = fictitious transaction, illusory transaction

Anfechtbar = Contestable

negative Interesse; Vertrauensschaden = reliance damages
Erfüllungsinteresse = expectancy interest

Stellvertretung = Agency
Empfangsvertreter = Agent
Empfangsbote Agent
Erklärungsbote = Agent

Trennungsprinzip = Principle of separation of legal and equitable title
Abstraktionsprinzip = Principle that the legal validity of transfer of title and the legal validity of the contractual obligation to transfer title are determined independently of each other.
Principle of the abstraction of rights in personam and rights in rem

Verpflichtungsgeschäft = Obligation-transaction
Verfügungsgeschäft = Transfer of title
Übergabe = Transfer of equitable title; delivery of posession
Übereignung = Transfer of legal title.

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