
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Model Question

1) Read the blog!  Let your curiousity be your guide!

2) I labelled all the blog posts with vocabulary "Vocabulary - Wortschatz" so you can find them easily.

3) Read the next five cases; try to read all the remainder of the book during vacation -- it should be fun! Be curious! We will certainly reach page 122 during the next lecture, so be sure to have read the cases up to and including WILKES v. SPRINGSIDE NURSING HOME, INC. 353 N.E.2d 657, 370 Mass. 842 (1976).

4) Here is a model question:

Widgets, Inc. is a corporation, chartered in New York. It has 2 million shares authorized, and issued 1 million shares of common stock at 1 dollar per share. Each common share has 1 vote. It has 1000 shares of preferred stock which issue a dividend of 1000 dollars per share and are non-voting. Widgets It has debts of 1 million dollars.

Widgets wishes to outsource manufacture of its products. To do so it enters into a partnership with Bobbits, an LL.C., as a limited partner. Bobbits hires Craneco, S.A., a South American corporation to build a factory for it. Bobbits also hires SimCo, LL.P., a management consultant to run its operations in the South American factory. SimCo hires contract laborers. The contract labor is badly paid, unhappy, and often shows up to work late or drunk, resulting in pay being docked. At a labor strike on site Jorge lights a match to smoke a cigarette. Dangerous chemicals explode. SimCo claims the accident is Jorge's fault and was deliberate sabotage.

Manolo, represented by Humanitas, a human rights advocacy group, is a worker at the factory in South America. Humanitas, on behalf of Manolo sues Widgets, Bobbits, Craneco, and SimCo in the U.S. Federal Court, Southern District, New York. What result?

How to answer it?
First, spot the legal issues.
Then write the outline of your answer answer, issue by issue: IRAC - issue rule application conclusion 
Leave enough space to fill in the outline. You right your answer into the outline!
We will talk about this case when we get back.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Rechtshemmende Einwand - Estoppel
Rechtshindernde Einwand
Rechtsvernichtende Einwand

Ex Nunc - Effective from now
Ex Tunc - retroactive effect
Einwand - Objection, Demurrer, Please
Einspruch -Objection
Einrede - Objection
Anspruch - Claim, Right
Objektiver Tatbestand - Objective facts
Subjektiver Tatbestand - Subjective facts
Übereignung - To transfer title
Übergabe - Transfer of possession

Handlungswille - Voluntary; Conscious and in possession of one's faculties.
Erklärungsbewußtsein -- General intent to state one's will
Geschäftswille -- Specific intent to effectuate a given legal result

eine verständige Person - Reasonably prudent person
unter den Umständen - under the circumstances
pflichtgemäßiger Sorgfalt - duty of reasonable care
Zurechnung - Imputation
Schutzpflicht - Duty of Care
konkludent - Implicit, Implied
Scheingeschäft  - Illusory Transaction, Fictive Transaction
Rechtsbindungswille - Intent to contract
Anfechtung - Defense, Objection, Contestation*

essentialia negotii -- essential terms
versteckter dissens - mutual mistake as to a basic assumption
offener dissens  - lack of accord
mistake - Irrtum
unilateral mistake - einseitiger Irrtum

negative Interesse - reliance interest
Vertrauensinteresse - reliance interest
Erfüllungsinteresse - expectancy

Abgabe einer Willenserklärung - Delivery of an offer/acceptance
Zugang einer Willenserklärung - Reception of an offer/acceptance
Widerruf - Revocation,
schutzwürdig - Worthy of protection
Vorbehalt - reservation

Verpflichtungsgeschäft - transaction of an obligation
Verfügungsgeschäft - disposition, transfer
Übergabe - Transfer of posession
Übereignung - Transfer of title
Trennungsprinzip  - Principle of separation of legal and equitable title
Abstraktionsprinzip - Principle of rights in person and in rem

Erklärungsbewußtsein - Awareness of intention to enter into a legal transaction.
Glaübiger - Creditor
im Verkehr erforderlichen Sorgfalt - duty of care ; customary duty of care ; commercial duty of care

invitatio ad offerendum  - offer to treat

nach den Umständen und der Gestaltung des Einzelfalls -
fact intensive
ad hoc inquiry
into the actual facts of the case
depending on the circumstance of the case

Gefälligkeitsvertrag - gratuitous transaction

Zweck - goal, objective
Ziel - goal, objective

Sinn und Zweck des Gesetzes - teleology, spirit of the law, ends of the law, sense of the law
Wortlaut - Literal
Grammatikalische Auslegung - Structural interpretation

Pflichtverletzung - breach of duty

Quasi-contract, quasi-contractual rights - Vertragsähnliche Ansprüche
Promissory Estoppel  - Zugerechnete Haftung wegen eines Versprechens
Unjust enrichment - ungerechtfertigte Bereicherung
Haftung - Liability

Rechtsbehelf - legal remedy

falsa demonstratio

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Equitable estoppel
General Partner
Limited partner
Fraud ; Defraud
Good Will

You guys were fantastic tonight. Gut gemacht und weiter so! :)

Read up to and including page 26. The next three cases in the book for the next lecture are
Monin, page 16
Holzman, page 18 and
Harris page 24

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Zivilrecht - Private Law
Civil law =  Kontinentales Recht
Objektives Recht - Executory Right
Subjektives Recht - Vested Right; Perfect Right; Perfected Right
Case law = Rechtsprechung
Richterrecht = Judge made law

Wohlgesinnter und gebildeter Mensch; vernunftiger Mensch = Reasonably prudent person 

Materielles Recht - Substantive Law
Verfahrensrecht - Procedural Law
Formelles Recht - Formal Law
Substantives Recht - Substantive Law

Primäransprüche - Primary rights
Seckundaransprüche - Secondary Rights

Sachverhalt - Facts

Fallfrage - Issue; question presented

Anspruchsgründlage - Basis of claim

Vertragliche Ansprüche -  Contractual rights (and remedies)
Vertragsähnliche Ansprüche - Quasi-contractual rights (and remedies)
Dingliche Ansprüche - Property rights / property claims
Deliktische Ansprüche - Tort claims
Bereicherungsrechtliche Ansprüche - Claims to compensation for unjust enrichment; quantum meruit

Tatbestand - Relevant facts


Subsumtion - Application of the facts (in the case) to the rule (the law)

Fragesatz - Question Presented ; Legal Issue
Voraussetzungssatz - Precondition
Definitionssatz - Rule (of law)
Subsumtionssatz - Application (of relevant facts in the case to the law)
Folgesatz - Conclusion

"What rights if any has A against B" = Welche Ansprüche hat A gegen B? = Wie ist die Rechtslage?

Rechtsstaat - Rule of law state

Rechtsfähigkeit - Legal Capacity / Legal personality
Geschäftsfähigkeit - Capacity to contract
Rechtsgeschäft - Legal transaction

Einseitiges Unilateral
Bilateral Gegenseitig

Legal personality - Rechtsfähigkeit
Natural Person = Natürliche Person = Physical person
Juristische Person = Artificial person

Unincorporated Associations: Their members may have joint and several liability, be co-tenants/co-owners.
GbR, OHG, KG are have partial legal capacity = Teilrechtsfähigkeit

Sorgfaltspflicht = Duty of Care

Rechtshindernde Einwendungen =
Legal grounds which prevent the vesting of a legal right.
= void ab initio

Rechtsvernichtende Einwendungen  =
Legal grounds on the basis of which a legal right is exstinguished
= voidable.

Einrede = Objection;  Defence.

Entstehung eines Anspruchs = Vesting of a legal right; Recognition of a Legal Right
Erloschen eine Anspruchs = The elimination of an executory right

Durchsetzung eines Anspruchs = Enforcement of a right

Willenserklärung = Expression of intent
Nicht empfangsbedürftigte Willenserklärung = Transaction which may be done unilaterally
Empfangsbedürftigte Willenserklärung = Transaction which requires receipt by another party

Objektiver Tatbestand = Objective expression of will
Subjektiver Tatbestand = Subjective intention

Handlungswille = In posession of mental faculties
Erklärungsbewusstsein = Awareness of legal intention and consequences
Geschäftswille = Specific legal intention to transact

konkludent = implied (in fact, in law)

pflichtgemäßer Sorgfalt = Duty of care

innere Tatbestand = Subjective intent

Zurechnung = Imputation

Scheingeschäft = fictitious transaction, illusory transaction

Anfechtbar = Contestable

negative Interesse; Vertrauensschaden = reliance damages
Erfüllungsinteresse = expectancy interest

Stellvertretung = Agency
Empfangsvertreter = Agent
Empfangsbote Agent
Erklärungsbote = Agent

Trennungsprinzip = Principle of separation of legal and equitable title
Abstraktionsprinzip = Principle that the legal validity of transfer of title and the legal validity of the contractual obligation to transfer title are determined independently of each other.
Principle of the abstraction of rights in personam and rights in rem

Verpflichtungsgeschäft = Obligation-transaction
Verfügungsgeschäft = Transfer of title
Übergabe = Transfer of equitable title; delivery of posession
Übereignung = Transfer of legal title.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

exam advice & tonight's lecture

exam advice: focus on what interests you, on things you think may be useful in your future.
imagine you were the professor; what would you ask? write yourself a
model exam. Better, bring it this weekend we will talk about that!

Tonight's lecture

TAXATION - *indicates *possible equivalent TERMS IN GERMAN*

Taxation in natura

User fee Verwaltungsgebuhr

Non-affectation principle

Value Added Tax = Mehrwertsteuer
Does not generally exist in the USA.
Advantages of VAT?
1) immigrant income.
2) Easy.
3) Non-Distortionary.

Sales tax: Like the VAT. Verkaufssteuer
Not all states have sales tax.

Excise Tax = a tax on a product Verbrauchssteuern - Indirekte Steuer
1) Alcohol.
2) Tobacco.
3) Gasoline.
*sin taxes

Is taxing power steuer- ermaechtigung *steuerprivileg* federal, state, or

Depends on the tax. Zoelle Customs duties are exclusively federal.
Ad valoram property taxes -- Grundsteuer are almost always local.

Income Tax Einkommensteuer
"Income from any source derived"
-Worldwide Income! - double taxation [tax treaties] Doppelbesteuerung
-Presumption Vermutung that a) it is income b) subject to taxation

Both Natural and Legal Persons Juristische Person are subject to federal

income tax.
Not all states have income tax

Tax deduction Steuerabzug
Tax credit Steuergutschrift
(Marginal) Tax Rate

Flat / Proportional **

Taxable income zu versteuerndes Einkommen
Gross Income Brutoeinkommen
Adjusted Gross Income Nettoeinkommen

Basis -
Realization -

Tax Deductions
*Ordinary and necessary business expenses
*Payments of interest on loans
-dividend payments are not business expenses!

Exclusions from Income
Uniforms, Meals at the workplace
Insurance payments
Life insurance payments
*Interest from federal bonds.
Capital Gains
Carry Forward

Depreciation Abschreibung
Straight Line Depreciation --Lineare
Double Declining depreciation -- Accelerated: *Degressive Abschreibung?
Life of product

*depreciated value is a deduction.

Abgeltungssteuer Taxes on Capital: Gift *Schenkungssteuer and Estate Tax

*Due on death of the person
*Due on transfer of a gift to another person

Negative income tax

Tax avoidance steuervminderung
Tax evasion steuervermeidung -- steuerhinterziehung.
Tax deferral


Fiscal realism
Fictitious transactions Fiktive Geschaefte / Transaktionen


Fiscal transparency
Double taxation Doppelbesteuerung

Taxable Entity --Steuerobjekt?
*Natural Person
--not a partnership!
--exception closely held subchapter S corporation

Tax Exemption
Tax exempt organization - 501(c)(3)
Charitable purpose

Laffer curve
Revenue - Verdienst Einnahme government's receipts
Tax Rate - Steuersatz
Budget - Haushalt - Etat
Interest rate Zins

Standard of proof
Burden of Proof = Beweislast
Burden of Production = Beweisfuehrungslast

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tonight's lecture - antitrust; Model Exam

Powerpoint for tonight's lecture on antitrust

Direct action
Derivative action
Shareholder's right of inspection
Corporate opportunities doctrine
common stock
preferred stock
convertible stock
tax transparency
double taxation
lifting/piercing the corporate veil
proxy fight/proxy contest
jurisdiction to adjudicate
jurisdiction to enforce
jurisdiction to prescribe
in rem jurisdiction
in personam jurisdiction
extraterritorial jurisdiction
Burden of production / burden of going forward with the evidence
Burden Of Proof
Cause, Proximate
Cause in fact
Ultra vires
void contract
voidable contract
jurisdiction to adjudicate
jurisdiction to prescribe
jurisdiction to enforce
equity jurisdiction
equitable maxims
in personam
in rem
multi factor balancing test
judicial parsimony
judicial economy
burden of proof
burden of production
authorized shares
issued shares
common stock
preferred stock
voting trust
shareholders agreement
piercing/lifting corporate veil
respondeat superior
fellow servant doctrine
joint liability
several liability
joint and several liability
imputed negligence
strict liability

Widgets, Inc. is a corporation, chartered in New York. It has 2 million shares authorized, and issued 1 million shares of common stock at 1 dollar per share. Each common share has 1 vote. It has 1000 shares of preferred stock which issue a dividend of 1000 dollars per share and are non-voting. Widgets It has debts of 1 million dollars.

Widgets wishes to outsource manufacture of its products. To do so it enters into a partnership with Bobbits, an LL.C., as a limited partner. Bobbits hires Craneco, S.A., a South American corporation to build a factory for it. Bobbits also hires SimCo, LL.P., a management consultant to run its operations in the South American factory. SimCo hires contract laborers. The contract labor is badly paid, unhappy, and often shows up to work late or drunk, resulting in pay being docked. At a labor strike on site Jorge lights a match to smoke a cigarette. Dangerous chemicals explode. SimCo claims the accident is Jorge's fault and was deliberate sabotage.

Manolo, represented by Humanitas, a human rights advocacy group, is a worker at the factory in South America. Humanitas, on behalf of Manolo sues Widgets, Bobbits, Craneco, and SimCo in the U.S. Federal Court, Southern District, New York. What result?

Friday, January 20, 2012








Corporation - Charter

Corporation - Bylaws

Joint Venture Agreement

Amicus curiae brief


Dear Students,

Our first session in January is on the 24th (constitutional law) and the 25th (corporate law). I believe that means I miss exactly three sessions, which we will have to reschedule.
This is why I have been going over time during our lectures.

I suggest: Saturday, 11 a.m. on the 28th of January and 4th February then lunch at 1, then an afternoon session with break. (Constitutional law)

And then the 11th and 12th, also starting at 11 a.m. and going into the afternoon for company law.

Our examination is currently scheduled for the 14th and 15th of February. It will consist of vocabulary, which you must define in English in a sentence or three. You may refer to the same concepts in your own language. The objective there is to make certain you understand basic legal terminology. The other part will be a case which you must resolve.